
Innovations in Health Product Distribution

Supply chain startups in Africa are developing tech-enabled approaches to distributing essential medicines. 

With a focus on Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and Uganda, we present key trends and 

opportunities to engage innovators in the COVID-19 response, and beyond.

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The ecosystem is growing: more than 60 innovators are now working to transform health product distribution.

Since our last round of data collection, there have been several new entrants serving consumers, easing product supply to providers, and offering product data services.


Innovators of all types appear to be expanding services in rural areas.

49% of innovators now report serving both urban and rural customers, though most rural operations are nascent.


Propelled by COVID-19, the number of innovators pairing telemedicine with product delivery has increased drastically.

Creating more seamless, end-to-end patient journeys is a common goal. Innovation-friendly regulations are required to accelerate the growth of telemedicine and associated services.


For the first time, some e-commerce giants are showing a strategic interest in health.

If they are able to overcome regulatory hurdles, e-commerce giants could have significant impact on the distribution of health products to providers and consumers alike.


Innovators are poised to contribute to COVID-19 response efforts, including vaccination.

Companies are eager to offer trusted information, expand access to testing, offer track-and-trace services, support last-mile delivery, aid in vaccine administration and more. 

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